like we often really hear the term CSS, but for the layman about the
World Wide Web and the Internet as we must be confused or even many
who do not care what the CSS. Actually, if we have a profile on
Friendster and we often ngotak-ngatik view our profile, direct means
we are already in touch with the name of the CSS, the new nyadar Well
lo ... right?
works as a complement to HTML, so to understand CSS at least we
should know a little about HTML. Cascading Style Sheet is a
technology used to beautify the website page views (website). In
short using this CSS Methode you easily change the overall color and
appearance of your site, as well reformat your site (quick change).
CSS also allows the creator of the web to modify the HTML to create
the look of a website. So if we are architects, it is the building of
HTML and CSS are interior and exterior design. Web without CSS like
vegetables without salt. Why?
what is the style sheet (CSS) is it exactly? what purpose exactly?
and how to use it? (taken from: rumahweb.com)
was introduced for the development of the website in 1996. The CSS
name derived from the fact that each different style declarations can
be placed in sequence, which would then form the parent-child
relationship in any style. After CSS standardized, Internet Explorer
and Netscape's latest browser release those who have been appropriate
or at least nearing the CSS standard. CSS is a stand-alone document
and can be included in the HTML code or just becoming a referral by
HTML in the definition of style. CSS uses kode2 arranged to set a pda
style HTML elements or can also be used to make a new style which is
called class.
can change the size of text, change the background color on a page,
or it can also change the border color in the table, and many more
things that can be done by CSS. In short, CSS is used to set the
order of appearance on the HTML page.
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